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Class Footage


  • Footage





Optional Readonly duration

duration: number = 10

The duration of the footage item, in seconds

Optional Readonly frameDuration

frameDuration: number = 0.04

The duration of a frame in the footage item, in seconds

Optional Readonly height

height: number = 500

The height of the footage item, in pixels

Readonly name

name: string = "Layer Name"

The name of the footage item as shown in the project panel

Optional Readonly ntscDropFrame

ntscDropFrame: boolean = false

Whether the timecode is in NTSC drop-frame format

Optional Readonly pixelAspect

pixelAspect: number = 1

The pixel aspect ratio of the footage

Optional Readonly sourceData

sourceData: SourceData[] = ...

The data of a JSON file as an array of sourceData objects

Optional Readonly sourceText

sourceText: string = "Source Text"

The contents of a JSON file as a string

Optional Readonly width

width: number = 500

The width of the footage item, in pixels


Optional dataKeyCount

  • dataKeyCount(dataPath: []): number
  • Parameters

    • dataPath: []

      the path in the hierarchy to the desired dynamic data stream

    Returns number

    The number of samples in a specified dynamic data stream in a .mgJSON file

Optional dataKeyTimes

  • dataKeyTimes(dataPath: [], t0?: number, t1?: number): number[]
  • Parameters

    • dataPath: []

      The path in the hierarchy to a dynamic data stream.

    • Optional t0: number

      The start time, in seconds, of the span from which to return samples. Defaults to startTime.

    • Optional t1: number

      The end time, in seconds, of the span from which to return samples. Defaults to endTime.

    Returns number[]

    The time in seconds for the samples of a specified dynamic data stream in a .mgJSON file

Optional dataKeyValues

  • dataKeyValues(dataPath: [], t0?: number, t1?: number): number[]
  • Parameters

    • dataPath: []

      The path in the hierarchy to a dynamic data stream.

    • Optional t0: number

      The start time, in seconds, of the span from which to return samples. Defaults to startTime.

    • Optional t1: number

      The end time, in seconds, of the span from which to return samples. Defaults to endTime.

    Returns number[]

    The values for the samples of a specified dynamic data stream in a .mgJSON file.

Optional dataValue

  • dataValue(dataPath: []): number
  • Parameters

    • dataPath: []

      the path in the hierarchy to the desired data stream

    Returns number

    The value of specified static or dynamic data stream in a .mgJSON file

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